Mumbai: After the active participation of Bollywood superstar Deepika Padukone in the Bharat Ki Laxmi campaign, National award-winning actor Rajkummar Rao becomes the face of Prime Minister Narendra Modis India Wali Diwali campaign that intends to celebrate the festival with the underprivileged children.
Rajkummar strongly believes in the cause of inclusivity on festivals like Diwali. "It has been a great honour to be part of this campaign which our honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji has started. I believe that Diwali should be a happy festival for everyone. I hope everyone follows this initiative and helps those who need it," he said.
The campaign encourages donating clothes, food, gifts to the underprivileged in the form of a video that also features television actors like Ragini Khanna and Anang Desai among others.