Mumbai: Rajkummar Rao who teamed up with Nushrat Bharucha for their upcoming movie Chhalaang, on Friday shared a light-hearted yet motivating video for the students who are appearing for exams.
The 35-year-old actor shared the video on Instagram and wrote: "All the Best to every student appearing for their exams! Take this Chhalaang with your best efforts & Don't Take Stress!"
In the one-minute and 23-second long video, the duo addresses the stress that gets bogged down to students during the exam time and also shared tips for them to go through an easy learning method.
"Getting scared by the size of the syllabus is not how it works, one page at a time, and you are good to give exams," said Nushrat.
"We all have gone through this exams, nothing to worry, it will pass on... also, giving a half an hour break to the study routine is also important," Rajkummar added.