Hyderabad: Actor Shilpa Shetty on Friday told Mumbai Police that London-based Pradeep Bakshi, the brother-in-law of her husband Raj Kundra was involved with the Hotshot app and its functioning, said sources. According to sources, Shilpa Shetty told Mumbai Police that she was not aware of the exact content of the Hotshot app claiming she has nothing to do with the application. This is in connection with a case related to the production of pornographic films, in which her husband is the prime accused.
A Mumbai court on Friday sent actor Shilpa Shetty's husband and businessman Raj Kundra and his associate Ryan Thorpe to police custody till July 27 in connection with a case related to the production of pornographic films. The day was also marked by much drama at the Juhu residence of Kundra and his wife, actor and businesswoman Shilpa, after Crime Branch sleuths came calling. They reportedly questioned Shetty over whether she had any knowledge of her husband's alleged involvement in the production of pornographic content.
Crime Branch quizzes Shilpa; Kundra to stay in police custody Mumbai Police questioned the actor on her knowledge of the Hotshot app, on which the porn content used to be uploaded. She was asked if she was aware of porn content upload-related operations being conducted in the premises of the Viaan company. Mumbai police is also checking whether any money earned from the porn racket was routed to/from Shilpa Shetty's accounts or not.
The actor claimed that her husband Raj Kundra is innocent and was not involved in producing porn content. She stated that it is London-based Pradeep Bakshi who was involved with the Hotshot app and its functioning. Mumbai Police sources said Shilpa Shetty also mentioned that the content of erotica is different from pornography. She also spoke about the other OTT platforms being full of similar erotica content, which is not considered porn.
Porn film issue in Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty husband Raj Kundra in Crime Branch last few days arrested in Mumbai According to Mumbai Police sources, here's what Crime Branch could extract in 6 hour-long questionings of the actor:
- Shilpa Shetty said that she wasn't aware of the exact content of HotShots
- She also claimed that she has nothing to do with HotShots
- She mentioned that erotica is different from porn
- The actor also maintained that her husband Raj Kundra wasn't involved in producing porn content
- Shetty said that it was London-based wanted accused and Raj Kundra's brother-in-law Pradeep Bakshi who was involved with the app and its functioning
- Shilpa claimed that her husband is innocent
Though the Crime Branch did not make any statement on the visit by its officials to the Kundra-Shetty home, sources said that they believe that the money allegedly earned by Kundra from pornography was used for online betting. The Crime Branch is believed to be investigating the money trail.
After reportedly recording Shetty's statement and collecting documents related to the case, the Crime Branch officials escorted Kundra back to the Byculla police station. There was no statement from the couple or their lawyers regarding the activities at their home on Friday. Kundra, meanwhile, has moved the Bombay High Court challenging the police remand and the cases against him.