Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kriti Sanon has shared a heart-touching post as her film Raabta turns four today. Remembering her co-star Sushant Singh Rajput, Kriti said Raabta will always remain extremely close to her heart.
Kriti and Sushant featured together in the reincarnation drama Raabta, which released in June 2017. The two actors were rumoured to be dating around the release of the film and reportedly parted ways later.
On the fourth anniversary of Raabta release, Kriti took to social media and shared a video comprising some beautiful moments that she shared with SSR while shooting for the film. Beginning with lyrics of a song from Raabta, Kriti wrote, "Tan lade, tan muk jaaye...Rooh jude, judi reh jaaye..."
The actor further wrote, "I believe in connection, I believe that we are meant to meet the people we do.. My Raabta with Sushant, Dinoo and MaddockFilms was just meant to be.."
She further added, "Films come and go...But every single film has so so many memories behind it... The connections we make & the moments we live with each other stay within us..Some more than others..."