Mumbai: Kangana Ranaut's film Queen did wonders at the box-office and was also critically-acclaimed. In an interview with leading portal, the Tanu Weds Manu actor said that after the success of her 2014 film, other 'parallel' films such as Alia Bhatt's Raazi came to power and was a big hit. Queen proved that parallel films can also be commercially as successful as any other mainstream films.
"We cultivated that audience. Queen started a revolution in terms of parallel films, and now they’re big. Queen’s numbers may not have been that big, but later on, films like Raazi became big because by that time parallel films had become mainstream," Kangana said.
When the actor was asked if she was worried that financiers might hesitate before funding her female-driven films, she said, "For me, what works is that I have a Rs 100 crore film behind me. Even if Manikarnika was co-directed by me, I think that makes a huge difference. You have already made the leap from small films to big films."