Mumbai:Ranveer Singh treated his fans to a chat session. However, it was hilariously crashed by his actor-wife, Deepika Padukone, who wanted to know when the livewire star was reaching home. During the Instagram chat on Saturday night, a slew of other celebrities too chose to be a part of the 'Ask me anything' session and sent in their own comments and questions, including Arjun Kapoor and Tiger Shroff.
Deepika dropped in a question: "When are you coming home?" To which, Ranveer replied: "Khana garam kar lo baby, main abhi buss ponch hi raha hoon (Warm up the food, baby, I am just about to reach) adding a kiss emoji."
Deepika crashes Ranveer Singh's chat with fans Watch:Deepika takes PV Sindhu out for dinner, Ranveer joins the duo
A social media user asked the Gully Boy actor: "One word for ur wifey." He said: "Queen". Ranveer and Deepika keep sharing loved-up comments on social media for each other. Last week, Deepika shared a picture of Ranveer sleeping. "My Morning View! @ranveersingh (click emoji) - Yours Truly," Deepika wrote alongside it.
Ranveer's close friend and Gunday co-actor Arjun Kapoor asked him: "How are you so sexy baba?" To which he replied, "Aap ki training (All your training) @arjunkapoor."
Arjun Kapoor joins Ranveer's chat with fans On the work front, Ranveer is busy shooting for his new film Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, which also stars Alia Bhatt, Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan and Shabana Azmi. Karan Johar is directing the project.