Hyderabad: In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat, Bollywood actor Suniel Shetty talked about changes in the film industry and how the filmmakers are benefited with the digital platforms which have surpassed cinemas. He expressed confidence that nothing can beat the entertainment.
He also talked about his initiative FTC talent .com, which is a digital portal that provides opportunities in films, televisions, advertisements, etc. He said that only digital platforms will work at this time.
Talking about the cinema theatres, he said that cinemas do not give chance to other people other than a few elite. The quality content never got the right platform.
Here are the highlights from the interview:
Bollywood actor Suneil Shetty speaks to ETV Bharat 1. How is the lockdown period going on?
It's a difficult time, but with a positive attitude, I am keeping myself busy learning new things, new technologies. Fortunately, We have started FTC talent.com. We tried to cast children online. We have been working on that as it seems that as per the current situation, it will go like this only.
2. We saw many films online when this corona time was started. Many big stars from all over India worked on the online platforms. If we talk about this change of era, how do you see this change in the film industry now?
I think acceptance is done. At least the films that were made are not kept hanging anywhere. Those producers are very lucky who got this digital platform because crisis factor and interest factors matter a lot. More platforms for producers and content makers mean more work for actors. The audience will remain the same. Nothing can beat the entertainment. Big screen entertainment will remain big-screen entertainment. I think it's a reminder for all of us that we have to keep moving slowly in life while keeping nature in mind.
3. Multiplexes might have a problem with this digital era, How do you see this?
I term this as a leveller. Cinemas want specific people to make films and they exhibit their films only. The quality content never got the platform. This is the lesson for cinema people also that do not depend only on a few people. The people whom they depend on switched to a digital platform. It's a game-changer for all of us. They should release films on a merit basis. But you cannot enjoy films anywhere except on the big screen. It's like watching a cricket show at home and not in a stadium. The change will come anyhow. But, as I said, nobody should monopolise anything. It is not our property, it is people's property. So, one should use this carefully.
4. During this lockdown, is there anything which you have never done before, and you feel you can do?
This lockdown has made me self-dependent. On the work part, I don't think so there is anything which I cannot do. I can't cook good food, but I can cook at least. I won't die hungry. I was not aware of the requirements of my home. I didn't know anything about the people living in my building.
5. Suneil Shetty himself is a brand for fitness. You have always set an example. How do you maintain yourself?
I always take out time for myself. Minimum one hour every day. I do Yoga every morning and do not want anyone to come in between. I maintain myself physically through gyming. I know I am ageing. I can not stop ageing but I can delay ageing. For me training is positivity.
6. You have also contributed to PM Modi's Atmanirbhar Bharat. Would you like to tell anything about it?
I started taking body force supplement, suggested by my friend who has expertise in this. I asked him why these people are not promoting their product, this is so good. So, he said due to international competition. So, I joined with this product and decided to make it big. I will prove within one year, Indian products will export globally instead of our dependence on others. I am dependent on our products.
Bollywood actor Suneil Shetty speaks to ETV Bharat 7. People are nowadays become more aware of their health. What do you suggest to them regarding supplements?
Supplements should be taken when you feel that you are not getting enough from food. Our body force will be going to a knowledge band. When I was connected with this brand, we have decided to give this product to all Indian athletes, including state level and national level on a 50% discount over MRP. When you go to our app which is developing, you will get to know that best people are there to give you an idea about the products free of cost.
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