Mumbai: Priyanka Chopra made a stunning Cannes debut along with her husband and American singer Nick Jonas in 2019. With their impeccable style statement, the couple was quite a head-turner on the red carpet of the 72nd Cannes International Film Festival. Reminiscing her "first Cannes," the actor shared few amazing pictures from the fest on social media.
On Sunday, the Baywatch star a short video clip using few of her favorite pictures from the Cannes debut. "This time last year. My first Cannes. ❤️ @nickjonas," reads caption alongside the video that she shared on her official handles on social networking sites.
In 2019, Nickyanka's Cannes debut had netizens drooling over pictures and videos amped up with their sparkling chemistry and rain played a significant role in creating an aww moment on the red carpet.