New Delhi: Global star Priyanka Chopra Jonas, on Sunday, celebrated the festival of Raksha Bandhan with her brother Siddharth Chopra and mother Madhu and shared a bunch of photos featuring her family. The actor also shared a picture of quirky gift that she received from her brother.
Priyanka took to her Instagram handle and shared the pictures, along with the caption, "First time together in 5 years on Raksha Bandhan! Love you lil brother @siddharthchopra89. Also #HappyRakhi to my army of brothers! Sending love and rakhis wherever you are...expecting my gifts soon too- Love, Mimi."
Out of the four pictures shared by Priyanka, the first one featured the star with her brother Siddharth, as they stood beside each other and smiled at the camera. The second picture showed Priyanka tying a Rakhi on Siddharth's wrist. The third one was especially sweet as fans could see a smiling Priyanka holding a white mug in her hand, most probably a Rakhi gift from her brother.