Mumbai:Actor-producer Priyanka Chopra Jonas on Tuesday was announced as the chairperson of Jio MAMI Film Festival, almost four months after Deepika Padukone stepped down from the position. The Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI) unveiled its plans for the coming year, edition and the change in leadership.
Chopra Jonas was unanimously nominated by MAMI's Board of Trustees which comprises Nita M Ambani (Co-Chairperson), Anupama Chopra (Festival Director), Ajay Bijli, Anand G. Mahindra, Farhan Akhtar, Isha Ambani, Kabir Khan, Kaustubh Dhavse, Kiran Rao, Rana Daggubati, Riteish Deshmukh, Rohan Sippy, Siddharth Roy Kapur, Vikramaditya Motwane, Vishal Bhardwaj and Zoya Akhtar.
The Quantico star said she is "proud" to be taking on the role of chairperson of the Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival. Chopra Jonas said she is looking forward to working alongside powerhouse women in the team and to take the festival "to the next level".
"I've hit the road running... with ideas, thoughts and plans on reimagining the festival to find its rightful place in a world that has changed so much in such a short time. We're all consuming film and entertainment very differently now and in the process, we've expanded the footprint of the cinema that we watch. I have always been a huge supporter and believer in films from across India and together, we hope to create a strong platform to showcase Indian cinema to the world," Chopra Jonas said in a statement.
Isha Ambani, Board of Trustees, MAMI, said the team is thrilled to have the 39-year-old star on board. "Now more than ever, we need to nurture the power of cinema and art to heal and help humanity move forward. I look forward to my dear friend Priyanka Chopra Jonas joining our team and leading the way for Jio MAMI to reach new heights.
"She is a multifaceted global artist and a force of nature, we are privileged to have her on board," Isha Ambani said.