Mumbai (Maharashtra): Actor Akshay Kumar on Monday unveiled the teaser of his upcoming historical Prithviraj and said that the film is a homage to Prithviraj Chauhan's unmatched bravery and courage. Prithviraj is based on the life and valour of the Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan. Akshay is essaying the role of the warrior who fought valiantly against the merciless invader Muhammad of Ghor.
Akshay said: "The teaser of Prithviraj captures the soul of the film, the essence of the life of the legendary warrior Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan who knew no fear. This is our tribute to his heroism and his life.
"The more I read about him, the more I was awed by how he lived and breathed every single second of his glorious life for his country and his values.
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