Mumbai: After Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh on Tuesday ordered a probe into Kangana Ranaut's alleged statements that she consumed drugs, the actor has come up with a befitting reply. The Panga actor said that she is ready to undergo drug tests and urged Mumbai police to look into her call details to check her alleged links to drug peddlers.
"I am more than happy to oblige Mumbai Police & Home Minister Anil Deshmukh. Please do my drug tests, investigate my call records if you find any links to drug peddlers ever I will accept my mistake and leave Mumbai forever, looking forward to meeting you," she said.
Deshmukh informed media persons here Tuesday afternoon, "In an interview, Adhyayan Suman, the son of Shekhar Suman, who had a relationship with her, had made certain statements that Kangana Ranaut used to take drugs. The Mumbai Police will investigate this matter."