Hyderabad: Veteran actor Sharmila Tagore, who is considered to be the first leading lady in Hindi cinema to don a bikini for a magazine cover has reflected upon the famous bikini shoot that created a stir in tinseltown.
Sharmila Tagore, who was launched by the iconic filmmaker Satyajit Ray, has worked in many successful Bollywood films like Aradhana, Kashmir Ki Kali, Chupke Chupke, Amar Prem amongst others. In a recent virtual interview with a film critic, Sharmila reflected upon her unique choices and personality.
Sharmila breaking the barriers in 60s "My life choices, looking back, have been unconventional. Like the bikini shot for Filmfare, that people don't ever let me forget," said the actor who dared to wear a bikini for the photoshoot during a time when society was extremely conservative.
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The actor further added that she did the photoshoot just before she got married and when she showed the two-piece bikini to the photographer he was also taken aback.
"I remember when I showed the two-piece bikini to the photographer, he asked me, 'Are you sure about this?' In some of the shots, he even asked me to cover my body. He was more worried than I was but I had no qualms doing that shoot. Only when people started reacting strongly to the cover, was I taken aback. I was puzzled as to why they didn’t like the picture. I thought I looked nice," said Sharmila.
A still from An Evening In Paris While people were still gasping for breath after her bold and stunning Filmfare cover, the diva donned a blue monikini in her 1967 released film An Evening In Paris. Both created a debate as the thing with swimwear was that none had dared to challenge the norms for leading ladies in Hindi cinema up until Sharmila smashed the barriers.