Mumbai: Film actor and former Union minister Shatrughan Sinha has extended his support to actor Kangana Ranaut who has a penchant for ruffling the feathers of the film industries. Sinha opined that the voices against Kangana are often a result of jealousy as she attained success fighting all odds.
In an interview with a news channel, Sinha said, "Most of the people I see, they speak against Kangana because from the inside they are very jealous of Kangana. Without our mercy, without our will, without joining our groups or without any blessings from us, this girl has gone too far and achieved so much without any push of ours. They are irritated and jealous of her success and bravery."
In the same interview, Sinha also took a dig at Karan Johar's chat show and said: "These kinds of planned events are what cause controversies."