Mumbai: Parineeti Chopra will spend a fortnight at Navi Mumbai's Ramsheth Thakur International Sports Complex in a bid to cut down on her travel time as she practices and shoots for the upcoming biopic Saina. She said it was important for her to improve her badminton game while shooting for the film based on Saina Nehwal's life.
Insisting that she would have wasted at least four to five hours going to and fro from her home to the location, the actress said: "We took a strategic call to stay at this sports complex because I could get to train and shoot at the same location. It was important for me to better my game while shooting for the film because I want to perfect myself before shooting the portions where I have to play like Saina."
READ | Parineeti preps for Saina biopic, to visit her Hyderabad home