Mumbai: Bollywood actor John Abraham shared the trailer of his upcoming film Pagalpanti on Tuesday. The trailer of the multi-starrer promises a crazy ride with the actors indulging into madness.
Taking to his Twitter, John shared the trailer with the caption, "Shani maharaj inke PEECHEY nahi pade, inki godd mein BETHE hai! And... it begins #PagalpantiTrailer out now-."
In the trailer, John, Pulkit Samrat and Arshad Warsi leave the audience in splits with their crazy banter while Anil Kapoor plays a character similar to 'Majnu bhai' of Welcome series.
The leading ladies of the film Ileana D'Cruz, Kriti Kharbanda and Urvashi Rautela glam up the trailer adding on to the quirky plot of Pagalpanti. However, Urvashi's ghostly appearance amid the hilarious ride is a mystery to uncover.
Earlier, giving a glimpse of all the lead characters, the makers unveiled a string of character posters.