Mumbai: The female version of Arijit Singh hit 'Pachtaoge', got released on Friday. Dancing sensation Nora Fatehi, who starred in the music video of the original number last year, is seen grooving to each beat with grace.
Nora's version of Pachtaoge is designed like an international music video which in complete contrast to its original be it the music or visuals. She can be seen sporting two different looks, portraying the myriad emotions and stages of romance. While she's dressed like a symbol of purity, in the beginning, her second look is darker and modelled on the Black Swan.
From the setting to the picturization and the looks, everything is metaphorical yet modern and classy. The video that has been shot creatively, that depicts love - the purity, the heartbreak, and liberation - through its choreography that is abstract and subliminal elements are added that portrays various elements while one is on a journey of love and heartbreak.
Crooned by Asees Kaur, the music is composed and lyrics are penned by Jaani.
Talking about the music, Nora said a "My brand as Nora Fatehi, whether it's a song in a movie, a music video in India or my independent international projects, is all about keeping it fresh and being experimental with an international touch. And that's what has made me who I am today and that's what my fans expect from me now."