Mumbai: The late Bollywood icon Rishi Kapoor created a minor record even after his demise! Online search for the actor rose by 7000 percent in India and 6700 percent globally after he passed away.
On April 30, a study by SEMrush found that fans posted 6,214 tweets on hashtag #rishikapoor. Other hashtags, which were used included #rishi_kapoor, #riprishikapoor, #riprishikapoorji and #riplegend. On these hashtags, fans tweeted 1,040 times, 995 times, 564 times and 475 times respectively. A total of 14,394 tweets were posted about Rishi Kapoor on the day of his death.
The study further shared that the most used emoji was one expressing utter shock. 2,988 people used it. The second most used emoji was a broken heart. The third most used emoji was of a crying face with massive tears falling out of each eye. This emoji was used 961 times.
The fourth most used emoji was a tearful face with a single tear falling from the left eye. It was used 630 times. The fifth and sixth most used emojis were a bouquet and a broken black heart. Each emoji was used 556 and 484 times, respectively.