Hyderabad (Telangana): Actor Anushka Shetty on Sunday announced her latest film, touted as a "new age entertainer", will be helmed by director Mahesh Babu P. The currently untitled movie will be produced by UV Creations, which previously backed Shetty's films like the 2018 thriller Bhaagamathie (Telugu-Tamil bilingual) and the 2013 Telugu actioner Mirchi.
The actor, who turned 40 on Sunday, took to Instagram and posted the announcement teaser of the film which will go on floors soon.
"With all the birthday wishes and love that is being cherished upon, I am happy to announce my next movie to you all. My next is with director #MaheshBabuP and @uvcreationsofficial. Smile Always. Always Forever," Shetty captioned the post.