Mumbai: While an FIR has been filed against singer Kanika Kapoor in Lucknow for negligence, social media is abuzz with criticism against the COVID-19 positive singer for hiding her travel history. On Saturday, the hashtag #KanikaKaCoronaCrime started to trend on Twitter. Netizens are also creating memes.
That apart, a meme that has gone viral on Twitter features a photo of the singer as well as that of a female cleaning staff. It read: "Daily wage workers risking their lives to sanitize our surroundings so that the virus doesn't spread further. Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor returned from the UK last Sunday, hide her travel history and upon return stayed in hotel attending parties. Choose your heroes wisely!"
Sharing a photo of a local train coach being cleaned by several cleaning staff, a user tweeted: "One side some so called celebs are partying and one side these people are working so hard much more respect to you #KanikaKaCoronaCrime #CoronaStopKaroNa."
Another user retorted: "She needs to a made an example so that no rich brat or an entitled celebrity tries to do the same. Shame on people who try to defend such bio-terr@rists #KanikaKaCoronaCrime."
READ | Playback singer Kanika Kapoor tests positive for COVID-19