Mumbai: Veteran actor Rajinikanth's fans got furious the moment trailer of Jayam Ravi starrer 'Comali' released. The trailer has hit controversies as the ending has apparently hurt the sentiments of Rajnikanth fans.
There is a scene at the end part of the trailer which traces down Thalaiva’s press conference of 2017 regarding his entry in politics, which is being received as a mockery by Rajini fans.
Fans loaded the twitter with a hashtag #BoycottComali. Seeing the situations going wrong, Jayam issued a statement that promised to delete the objectionable portion from the movie.
He tweeted, "Right from the beginning of my career, I have made a conscious effort to maintain a clean and straight record, thereby not involving myself in controversial issues. My stance and ideologies have only been exhibited in movies through the fictional characters I have played and have never crossed those limits."