Mumbai: Bollywood actor Sonam K. Ahuja is not happy with the announcement of the remake of Mr. India by filmmaker Ali Abbas Zafar.
She finds it disrespectful since no one bothered to consult her actor-father Anil Kapoor, who featured in the original, and acclaimed director Shekhar Kapur, who helmed the popular 1987 movie.
Sonam took to social media to share a post expressing her displeasure at the news of Mr India remake.
"A lot of people have been me asking me about the "Mr India remake". Honestly, my father didn't even know that the film was being remade, we found about it through social media when Ali Abbas Zafar tweeted. It's quite disrespectful and underhanded, if it is true, since no one bothered to consult my father or Shekhar uncle - two people who played a major role in making the film what it was and is," Sonam wrote.
She said that it is important as her father was an important part of the film and the film, in turn, is a part of his legacy.
"It is sad because that was a film made with heart and hard work and is very sentimental to my father, beyond commerce and announcements, it's a part of his legacy. I should hope that respect for someone's work and contribution is still as important to us as a big weekend at the box-office," she added.