Mumbai:Javed Hyder, the actor who featured in Aamir Khan's Ghulam is making headlines for a viral video in which he is seen selling vegetables and was reported doing so to earn a living. The actor, however, has denied being in financial crisis and said that the TikTok video was meant to motivate his followers during tough times.
Javed was all over the social media after former Bigg Boss contestant Dolly Bindra shared his video on her Twitter page and wrote that the actor is selling vegetables due to COVID-19-induced financial crisis.
Javed, on the contrary, in a conversation with a leading webloid has revealed that he was simply making videos for TikTok and has enough to lead a normal life even if work doesn't resume for the next couple of months.
"No, I am not a vegetable vendor. I am an actor by profession even now. The entire selling vegetables video was just an act and I had made that TikTok only to motivate my followers that one should not give up when times are tough and that no work is small or big. I had no idea that it would go out with this message. Dolly Bindra ji had shared the video on her social media handle stating that I'm selling vegetables now and I had even commented that it was only an act and nothing more, but I think people didn't notice it and the video went viral overnight," Javed was quoted as saying by the webloid.