Mumbai: While many Bollywood celebrities are on a photo-sharing spree these days, actor Sara Ali Khan on Sunday shared a then and now throwback picture featuring her mother Amrita Singh and brother Ibrahim.
The actor took to Instagram to share the collage pictures.
The first picture is the older picture, where Sara is seen smiling while posing for the camera along with her mom and cute little Ibrahim. The second shared picture seems to be more recent.
The 24-year-old actor who is known for her funny captions wrote: "The evolution of the meaning of #sundayfunday And now #mondaymotivation #throwbackthursday #flashbackfriday #sundayfunday sb ek haiN [?]islie...Just Happy New Day #stayhome #stayhome #staystrong."
The Bollywood's beauty recently shared a fitness transformation with a collage of two pictures, where she highlighted some similarities between her past and present self.
The collage had one recent picture of her and one throwback picture.