Mumbai: The trailer of the upcoming Mahesh Bhatt directorial, Sadak 2, was released on Wednesday morning and within a few hours, the number of dislikes on the video widely surpassed the number of likes on it. Interestingly, many netizens are trolling the trailer with apologies to Sanjay Dutt, cast member of the film who has been diagnosed with lung cancer.
Mahesh Bhatt's film stars his daughters Pooja and Alia Bhatt along with Aditya Roy Kapur, youngest brother for bigwig producer Siddharth Roy Kapur. The film has been drawing ire on social media as a shining instance of Bollywood nepotism, since shortly after Sushant Sing Rajput's death.
Many netizens are also upset over Mahesh Bhatt's alleged links with Sushant Singh Rajput's girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty, who has been charged in an FIR by the late actor's father KK Singh, with abetment to suicide among other allegations.