Mumbai: The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), which quizzed Bollywood actors Rakul Preet Singh, Deepika Padukone, her former manager Karishma Prakash, and fashion designer Simone Khambatta on Friday and Saturday in connection with the drugs case related to the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, has seized their mobile phones.
An NCB source said, "The phones of Deepika, Karishma, Rakul and Khambatta have been seized by the NCB under the Indian Evidence Act."
The development came after the questioning of Deepika and Karishma on Saturday, and Rakul and Khambatta on Friday for several hours.
The NCB questioned Deepika for over five hours on Saturday and Rakul for over four hours on Friday.
Meanwhile, Karishma was questioned for two consecutive days on Friday and Saturday, while Khambatta was grilled on Friday.
The agency collected their phones as the alleged 'drug' chats were made using the same phones, the source said.