Mumbai:Actor and model Tanushree Dutta who created a stir in the film industry with MeToo movement, has now voiced her opinion on the ongoing discussions of Sushant Singh Rajput's death case. She said that the Mumbai police cannot be trusted.
Taking to the Instagram live, Tanushree said in a video, "Mumbai Police cannot be trusted with doing a fair and impartial investigation," she says, adding, "They are usually too quick to dismiss such cases and close matters and are usually hand in glove with culprits themselves and politicians from the start. All this show about calling people to record their statement is just a show to appease public sentiment because the matter is hot right now."
"CBI needs to step in and maybe Interpol if there is underworld involvement. Usually, such cases involve a nexus behind the crime and not just one individual or party. They play on that human sentiment and wait it out till they declare the matter closed," she added.
Speaking about her experience in Bollywood, the actor further said, "In my case too, they pretended to care and investigate for months. I wasted so much time and energy doing an FIR, submitting a wealth of evidence and witness testimonies, video footage, circumstantial evidence, secondary evidence etc and follow up regularly. Yet in their final report, they refused to even take into account all that evidence, didn’t follow up with key witnesses who were threatened into silence by Nana’s lawyers, supporters, and withdrew from coming forward."