Mumbai: Actor Kangana Ranaut is heartbroken that her forthcoming film Thalaivii is facing a roadblock as three national multiplex chains have reportedly decided to not accommodate the film, which is set to release in theatres on September 10. Kangana took to her Instagram Story where she shared a news article, which talked about national multiplex chains in no mood to screen Thalaivii. She captioned it, "This is heartbreaking."
The actor has shared a note for the multiplex owners. She wrote, "No films are choosing theatres, very few and very brave like my producers @vishnuinduri @shaaileshrsingh are compromising on huge profits and letting go off exclusive streaming options only for the love of cinema."
"In these times we must support each other and not bully or arm twist; it's our fundamental right to recover the cost of our film which we did, we may have two weeks window for Hindi version but for South we have four weeks window yet multiplexes ganging up on us and stopping our release there as well." Kangana called it "unfair and cruel".
"In these testing times when major territories like Maharashtra are also shut, please let's help each other in order to save theatres."
On Saturday morning, she shared another message on her Instagram Story. She talked about how the multiplex chains have "different rules when it comes to big heroes and films". She wrote, "They just released Radhe simultaneously on OTT and theatres. They have released Master with 2 weeks window, releasing Hollywood movies with simultaneous OTT release in th US, but refusing to screen even the South of Thalaivii which have a four-week window."