Mumbai: Actor Anil Kapoor says his 1987 blockbuster Mr India, which completed 33 years on Monday, will always remain a landmark film for him. The actor revealed a lesser-known fact about the film and said how it took months to convince Kishore Kumar and Laxmikant Pyarelal to burry the differences and work together for the song Zindagi Ki Yahi Reet Hai.
The movie, written by Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar, featured Kapoor as Mr India and late Sridevi as a journalist, with veteran actor Amrish Puri playing the iconic villain Mogambo. It was directed by filmmaker Shekhar Kapur.
Taking to Instagram, Kapoor uploaded the video of the song Zindagi Ki Yahi Reet Hai and shared how the track came into being.
"Mr India was and always will be a very important film for me. I remember even 34 years ago when we began the journey became obsessed with every detail. From the time I heard the tune of Zindagi Ki Yahi Reet Hai I could only imagine Kishore Da's voice singing it.
"At the time, Kishore Kumar and Laxmikant Pyarelal did not want to work together. It took months to even get in touch with Kishore da.
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