Mumbai: Mouni Roy is no longer a part of the upcoming film 'Bole Chudiyan' also starring Nawazuddin Siddiqui. The producer Rajesh Bhatia confirmed the news charging her of "unprofessionalism."
Talking about his decision, Rajesh said in a statement, "We have invested a big amount of money and if asking someone in a civil manner to be professional and be committed to the role is being rude, then, sorry, we are in the serious business of making movies with high stakes and it's not a hobby.
"From the time we have signed her, she and her agency Toabh have been highly unprofessional and irresponsible, even after signing the MOU and paying her. Even for the final narration held two days back, she walked in at 5.30 p.m. for a 3 p.m. narration, embarrassing the producers, director and actor.
"As for the role, it's one of the best scripts... The role of the girl in the film is central... It is amusing to hear her complaining... Frankly, I think she knows she is guilty and (is) just trying to defend herself and be in the news."
READ MORE: Makers unveil first look posters of Nawazuddin-Mouni starrer 'Bole Chudiyan'
However, reports also suggest that the makers were unprofessional and not Mouni.