Mumbai: It seems actor Shahid Kapoor's wife Mira Rajput Kapoor has got a sweet tooth. On Wednesday, Mira took to Instagram Stories and shared a picture of a bar of milk chocolate. More than the image, it was Mira's hilarious caption that caught the attention of netizens.
"Date with you every afternoon," Mira captioned the post.
READ |Shahid's online 'war' with wife Mira
Amid the lockdown, the mother of two children -- Misha and Zain -- has been sharing glimpses of her day-to-day activities. Mira has been utilising her lockdown days by helping her children hone their drawing skills and also experimenting new dishes.
A few days ago, Mira recalled her college days. She is an alumna of Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi.
With inputs from IANS