Kolkata: Bengali film actor and Trinamool Congress MP Mimi Chakraborty, who returned from England on Tuesday, announced she would remain in home isolation for the next seven days and won't even meet her parents as a precautionary measure in view of the coronavirus outbreak.
Mimi, who touched down at the NSCBI Airport here from London where she had been busy shooting for Baazi, went through thermal screening and other coronavirus related formalities on landing in Kolkata.
Emerging from the terminal alongside her co-actors including Jeet, she appealed to people to abide by the government directives to prevent any spread of the disease that has been declared a pandemic by World Health Organisation.
"I have returned from a place like UK via Dubai. So all the precautions have been taken. I have told my parents not to meet me at home. My father is above 65 years. First seven days I will be at home," the Lok Sabha member from Jadavpur told the media.
Most quarantines though are being advised for 14 days at least.
"We are going through bad times. But I am sure it will pass off. We must go by the government directives on cleanliness, wash our hands and take all precautions. We must maintain distance with other people as a safety measure," she said.
Asked about the situation in London, she said the unit was shooting at public places and couldn't form much idea about the situation there.