Mumbai: The makers of the upcoming movie 'Mental Hai Kya' has released the first motion poster of the film on Tuesday. The film starring Kangana Ranaut and Rajkumar Rao in the lead roles has already capitivated the attention of the audiences.
The new motion poster showed Kangana in a blue outfit sporting short hair while Rajkummar looked shady in a navy blue suit with a half-lit cigar in his mouth, hinting upon a dark tone of the movie.
The motion poster, that appeared with the caveat “Trust no one,” eventually revealed that the film will revolve around “1 mystery and 2 suspects.”
Balaji Motion Pictures recently took to its social media to release the brand new motion poster of the film. Sharing the same the production house wrote on its Instagram: "They're here to set fire to your perceptions. Trust No One! #MentalHaiKya #TrustNoOne"