Mumbai:Actor-filmmaker Farhan Akhtar and his producing partner Ritesh Sidhwani on Saturday announced that the shoot of two of their Excel Entertainment projects, Hello Charlie and Dongri to Dubai, started last week.
Akhtar and Sidhwani said all the necessary precautions, in line with the government guidelines, were taken on the sets.
According to a press release issued by the production house, the shoot of Hello Charlie was almost complete before the lockdown and the team filmed the remaining portion last week, while the shooting of Dongri to Dubai has just started.
Akhtar and Sidhwani took to social media to share a two-and-half minute video of how they are strictly adhering to the safety guidelines on the sets.
"Getting back to work is a relief and a joy but given the times we're in, it's important to be socially responsible and keep the environment hygienic for the crew and cast. They work to create. We work to keep them safe. #MasksDistanceAction @excelmovies," Akhtar wrote on Twitter.
Sidhwani took to Instagram and said, "Mask Distance Action. We are back to doing what we love the most - making movies, with the people we love the most- our cast and crew! #MasksDistanceAction."