Mumbai: Rani Mukherji who will be seen playing the role of a super cop in her upcoming flick Mardaani 2 said, "Mardaani franchise will tackle various societal issues."
Mardaani 2 has triggered a nationwide conversation on the threat young women are facing due to the rise of violent crimes, like rape, that is being committed by juveniles. The movie focuses on the fact that such heinous acts are being done by underage boys, society needs to be really worried about this issue because such criminals go mostly undetected because of their age.
Rani through the Mardaani franchise said, she wants to keep highlighting social evils and keep sparking conversations that bring attention to the serious issues that the country is dealing with.
She said, "Yes, we would want Mardaani to be a franchise that stands for tackling various societal issues. While the first film spoke about child trafficking, 'Mardaani 2' takes a stand against rapes and highlights the rise of violent crimes committed against juveniles in India.
She added, " Just today, I was shocked reading how a 15-year-old boy attacked and raped a 29-year-old woman in the heart of my city!"
The 'Bunty Aur Babli' actor further takes on the issue, "This is a serious threat that can't be ignored and all precautions must be taken to protect women at all costs. Mardaani series of films would stand for being a mirror of society to educate, create awareness and also leave a strong message for people to sit up and notice.