Mumbai (Maharashtra): The freshly released teaser of Yash Raj Films' first historical epic action drama Prithviraj has grabbed eyeballs. The film based on the life and valour of the fearless and mighty Rajput king Prithviraj Chauhan stars Akshay Kumar in the titular role alongside Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar as princess Sanyogita. The actor is over the moon as she gears up for her debut with one of India's premier studios.
The debutante expressed her gratitude as she said, "I'm eternally grateful to YRF and my director Dr Chandraprakash Dwivedi for not only believing in me but also for making me believe that I could play the role of the legendary princess Sanyogita. I couldn't have asked for a bigger debut and I'm deeply honoured that I could play her on screen."
Talking about her character, Manushi says, "Her life, her values, her resilience, her courage, her honour is what legends are made of and I'm so fortunate that I got to know so much about her in the process of prepping and portraying princess Sanyogita on screen. I hope I have done justice to her and what she stood for. I'm excited for everyone to see her story."
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