Hyderabad: Actor, fitness icon and entrepreneur Mandira Bedi penned a cute post on her daughter's fifth birthday. Mandira and her late husband Raj Kaushal adopted a four-year-old girl named Tara last year. While she turns five today, the date marks Tara's first birthday with her newfound family.
On Wednesday, Mandira took to Instagram to shares an adorable birthday post for her daughter. Bedi shared a set of six pictures and wrote, "28th July! One year today since you came into our lives, sweet sweet Tara.. And so we celebrate you today.. it’s your 5th birthday, my baby. I love you so much ❤️🧿#beginagain ⭐️."
Soon after Mandira shared the post, netizens flooded her comment section with kind words. While a section of social media users is hailing Mandira for adopting a girl child some are finding a resemblance between Tara and American actor and singer Zendaya. Commenting on Mandira's post, a user wrote, "A version of Zendaya," while another wrote, "Tara looks like Zendaya."