Hyderabad: Actor Mandira Bedi took to social media on Tuesday late at night to share a heartbreaking post remembering her husband, filmmaker Raj Kaushal, who passed away on June 30. Mandira, who has been keeping away from social media for a while, had earlier shared a few photographs on Instagram where she can be seen happily posing with glasses of red and white wine with her husband, both of them smiling at the camera.
In Mandira’s latest post, she shared a picture of what appears to be a white tissue with Raji written on it. The post is captioned as ''Miss you Raji.. " with a broken heart emoticon.
READ |Mandira Bedi trolled for performing husband's last rites, gets colleagues' support
Mandira's husband reportedly succumbed to a heart attack on June 30. Kaushal started out as a copywriter in 1989 and then worked as an assistant director with Mukul Anand. He then directed movies like Pyaar Mein Kabhi Kabhi and Shaadi Ka Laddoo. Eventually, Raj set up his own advertising-production company, Fuel, and went on to direct over 800 commercials. One of the last commercials that Kaushal directed was with Vicky Kaushal.
Unfortunately, Mandira had to face trolling and hatred on social media after photographs surfaced showing her breaking stereotypes by performing her husband's last rites, which male members of a family are traditionally expected to perform.
Mandira married Kaushal in 1999 and welcomed son Vir on June 17, 2011. The couple had also adopted a four-year-old girl named Tara in July last year.