Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor and his wife Mira Rajput Kapoor returned from the Maldives last week. The couple, however, is seemingly yet to get over the hangover of their beach vacation. Sharing a glimpse of her sartorial choices for beach vacay, Mira shared a video on social media wherein she is seen wearing white pants which she bought for honeymoon and swimwear that she regrets buying.
On Saturday, Mira took to her Instagram handle to share a video wherein she is seen donning lace pants that she bought for her honeymoon in 2015. Mrs. Kapoor teamed it up with open-back shirt which according to her caption has served her through all sizes. Mira, who is known for her wit, quirk and candidness, has also confessed that she regrets the purple bikini that she wore on holiday as now she thinks that it is "overpriced."