Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood diva Malaika Arora shared a picture of three best friends: Ananya Panday, Shanaya Kapoor and Suhana Khan from Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar's wedding bash. The picture featuring the young ladies is going viral on social media soon after Malaika shared it on her Instagram Stories.
On Thursday night, producer Ritesh Sidhwani hosted a wedding bash at his residence in Mumbai's Khar area for his business partner Farhan after the latter's wedding with Shibani Dandekar. The party hosted by Ritesh was attended by the who's who of the Hindi film industry.
Taking to her social media handle, Malaika shared a beautiful picture of Shanaya, Ananya, and Suhana from Farhan-Shibani's wedding bash. Sharing the image, she wrote, "Baby dolls all grown up" followed by a red heart emoji. Sharing the same picture on her Instagram Stories, Ananya wrote, "My girls."