Hyderabad:Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu, who turned a year wiser on Sunday, has received an adorable birthday wish from wife Namrata Shirodkar. Adding to the celebrations, the makers of his much-awaited flick Sarkaru Vaari Paata released an electrifying motion poster of the film.
Namrata hopped on to her Instagram handle to share a click which captured the couple sharing a tender moment.
"True love is how I experience it with you Happy Birthday MB. I love you now and always," Namrata captioned the image.
She also shared the motion poster of Sarkaru Vaari Paata, released by the makers and wrote: "Super."
The Maharshi actor's eight-year-old daughter Sitara too wished him on social media. Sitara posted a cute video clip on her Instagram account and said that her father's birthday is "one of her favourite days of the year".
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