Hyderabad: The teaser of Mahesh Babu's highly awaited movie 'Maharshi' was released on the auspicious occasion of Ugadi, the Telugu New Year. The short video was enough to make fans go berserk as it featured the Tollywood superstar in a super-dashing avatar.
In the teaser, Mahesh was seen sporting two different looks, one of a dynamic business tycoon wearing a checkered suit and the other of a college-goer donning simple shirt and denim.
While Mahesh looked dapper in his formal attire, the superstar's college-guy look was adorable enough to woo the audience.
Mahesh's dialogues in the teaser: "There are no full stops in success, only commas." and "I have a problem, sir. If somebody says that I will lose, I would want to prove them wrong." portrays the actor in a different role.