New Delhi: As Netflix announced its slate of intriguing series for this year, Bollywood actor Madhuri Dixit, introduced her character from the upcoming series 'Finding Anamika' to fans on Wednesday.
The 'Dhak-Dhak' girl of Bollywood who will be debuting in the digital world through the suspenseful family drama series 'Finding Anamika' took to her Instagram account and introduced her character as 'Anamika' through a scintillating post.
The picture shared by the 53-year-old star sees her in a glamorous avatar, as she poses effortlessly like a diva for the lens.
Raising fans excitement, she wrote, "Beauty, poise, grace and elegance are all words you'd associate with Anamika. But skeletons are hidden in her closet all come rushing out when an untoward event takes place. There's always more than meets the eye, isn't there?" in the caption.
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"I'm thrilled to announce I will be part of the Netflix original series Finding Anamika. Excuse me, while I do a happy dance to celebrate! @netflix_in #AbMenuMeinSabNew #FindingAnamika," she added.