Mumbai: Sushmita Sen and her boyfriend Rohman Shawl pulled off a tough balancing act together while Farhan Akhtar and his girlfriend Shibani Dandekar impressed fans with the cover of Lady Gaga-Bradley Cooper's Shallow. Looking at their social media feeds, it seems these couples surely know how to keep the lockdown blues away.
Bollywood celebrities are exploring new things every day to keep their creative self engaged. While some are honing their culinary skills, others are busy making memories with their special someone amid lockdown.
Taking to Instagram on Wednesday, Sushmita shared a video in which she and Rohman can be seen nailing the act of balancing together in a yoga posture.
More than the video, the caption that explained what a stable relationship means is apparently the takeaway for fans.
READ |Sushmita Sen, beau Rohman perform jaw-dropping yoga
Sushmita wrote, "I love you my tough guy @rohmanshawl ‘A stable relationship needs a balanced center, flexible mind, mutual strength & deep trust’ How symbolic this posture!!! #sharing #us #togetherness I love you guys!! #fly."