Mumbai: Actor Arjun Rampal on Monday shared a video announcing that he is finally getting his beard trimmed with the help of his girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades.
Arjun admitted that due to lockdown extension he can't grow his beard any further.
The 47-year-old actor put out a video on Instagram where he is seen shirtless while Gabriella is recording the video. In the video, Arjun says, "So quarantine has been extended till 31st of May, and I can't grow this beard any further."
Telling his fans that Gabriella is going to cut his beard, the Aankhein star said, "So Gabrielle is going to help me cut it, and if I don't post in another 2 hours... you know exactly how it went."
Along with the video he wrote, "The extended quarantine has got the better of my beard. Time to let it go!!!! hopefully, it grows back before filming commences.... #hairtodaygonetomorrow."