Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut unveiled the trailer of Ekta Kapoor produced fearless reality show Lock Upp on February 16. She shares her delight on hosting it and speaks about the concept of the show. Ahead of the trailer launch, Kangana and Ekta visited Bangla Sahib Gurudwara in New Delhi.
Kangana Ranaut says: "The spectacular launch of the show had piqued everyone's curiosity, and the trailer is a testament of how bold, controversial and exciting it is going to be. I am happy to unveil the trailer in our country's capital city, and I am equally thrilled and excited for foraying into the OTT space with such a unique and brilliant concept."
She later expresses her gratitude to Ekta Kapoor, saying: "I want to thank my boss-lady Ekta, for always being by my side, and she has always been someone I admire and respect a lot. So to all my fans out there, get ready for the most 'fearless' show ever."
The show's trailer features the daring host Kangana wearing a shimmery, glittery golden dress, holding a shiny baton in her hands. Kangana can be seen sitting on a luxurious, velvet throne in a sombre jail cell and says: "Living here is no less than a dream… a bad one, though! Walking through the jail corridor."