Mumbai: Anand L Rai unveiled the first trailer of his upcoming production Laal Kaptaan starring Saif Ali Khan in the lead. The trailer sees Saif as a Naga Sadhu talking about the game of life and death.
Taking to his Twitter on Tuesday, the producer-director wrote, "From ashes to ashes, from dust to dust - no hiding from #LaalKaptaan's vengeance, in this we trust. The deadly HUNT has begun! Be a part of his journey."
The trailer gives a sneak-peek into Saif's thirst for revenge as he is seen covered in ashes with a voice-over by him talking about how death follows a man right from the moment he is born.
Referring to Yamraj, the Hindu God of death, Saif says that as soon as a man is born, death mounts his ox and begins a journey to bring the man back.