Mumbai: Saif Ali Khan will be playing Naga Sadhu in his upcoming release Laal Kaptaan. His look in the film has already become the talk of the town for its intensity and rawness. However, he is also facing criticism as his look reminds of popular Hollywood character Jack Sparrow played by Johnny Depp.
Saif's look in Laal Kaptaan is being compared to popular character Jack Sparrow from Hollywood film Pirates of the Carribean for the similar dreadlocks and the bandana.
Director Navdeep Singh recently addressed the comparison saying that the Western character might have been inspired by the Naga Sadhus as they were the ones who originated first.
At a recent media interaction with the team of Laal Kaptaan including the filmmaker, actors Zoya Hussain, Deepak Dobriyal and Manav Vij, the star cast was asked if Saif's character can be labelled as desi Jack Sparrow, to which they all denied saying that it's completely different.