Mumbai: Filmmaker Karan Johar, who has been slammed by social media users for liking a tweet which trolled superstar Shah Rukh Khan, on Friday apologized saying that there is a technical issue and he will personally never acknowledge such comments.
It is reported that Karan liked an anti-SRK tweet posted by a social media user.
The user spoke about Akshay Kumar's latest release 'Kesari'and compared Shah Rukh to Akshay's stardom and apparently called him as "B grade" actor.
Karan has co-produced 'Kesari', which released on Thursday.
The tweet read: "Half day collections of 'Kesari' on Holi day (which is worse than pre-Diwali day) is greater than 'Zero' full festival day collection."
Karan's like on the comment did not go well with SRK fans as they started #shameonKaran on Twitter and started questioning his friendship with SRK.'