Mumbai: Filmmaker Karan Johar on Friday shared an adorable video of his little munchkins Yash and Roohi Johar raiding his wardrobe. KJo and his family are currently home with their family due to the nationwide lockdown.
The 47-year-old director is keeping his Instafam amused with super cute videos. He shared a special video where his 3-year-old son Yash is seen raiding his Versace jacket, while Roohi says that she wants to go out.
Karan asks Roohi why she wants to go outside and if she is fed up of "dada's closet". To which she laughs loudly, and Yash also joins in.
After which, the kids are then seen adjusting each other's hair and Roohi says thank you to her brother. The toddlers then bid bye by saying, "Go Corona."
The Kuch Kuch Hota Hai director captioned this adorable video as "Randomness in the closet! #lockdownwiththejohars #gocorona."
The enchanting clip was quickly noticed by netizens and it garnered many likes and comments by followers. Celebrity followers also commented on the delightful video.